Would you like Peace of Mind Reviews?
PLI’s newest service will review your home inspection report – before they go to your customer, anytime you want, with same day turnaround service. Same day service is no extra charge.
Reports really are the home inspector’s product, no matter how hawk-eyed any inspector is. But without feedback from another pro, it’s hard to know how good that product actually is – especially when you’re starting out in the business, or working solo. Two eyes are better than one. And when inspectors begin their career, there is a lot to remember. Let us give you the backup to really get ahead.
Every month, Steve sees the Board of Home Inspectors raining on another inspection report, often with things that would have been a simple fix. And most months, letters go out to home inspectors asking them to show up at a Board meeting to get “educated” about report writing and their SOP. Don’t go there.
PLI wants every home inspector to enjoy success. We’ll help you get those first inspections out to the customers with confidence you are carrying out your SOPS, minding state regulations, and plugging in “best practices” – so you won’t have to look over your shoulder. We’ve got your back.
Introductory Offer
For a limited time:
$100.00 per inspection with a minimum of five reviews. Can be paid in two installments. Save $250 dollars by purchasing this bundle.
$150.00 per inspection with no minimum. Paid with each review.
Upon completing your home inspection, email your report to [email protected] along with your photo library. Be sure to tell us which SOPs you are practicing under. PLI will review your emailed report that same day. (If the report is received in the office after 5pm, or in hardcopy, then it will be the next morning.)
A good practice is to tell your customers the report will be emailed (or sent) to them in 24 to 48 hours. Handing out inspection reports at site is risky business – at least until you’ve been inspecting for a minimum of five years. Even then, it never will be the best way to provide quality inspection reports and to avoid problems.
And Let’s Stay Safe Out There!