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14 hours approved CE classes 14 hours CE classes 14 hours mandatory CE classes Kentucky 6 CE hours 6 hours 6 hours approved CE class 6 hours CE 6 hours face-to-face class 6 hours KY approved CE class 6 hours mandatory CE class 6 hours required CE class 64 hours prelicense classes 6hrs required class advanced approved classes approved schools in KY Becoming a home inspector CE CE Class CE class mandatory to renew CE Classes certified home inspector certified radon class classes Classes for Home Inspectors classes in home inspecting classes in KY classes in Louisville classroom training concert continuing Continuing Ed classes continuing education Continuing Education classes course courses face to face approved training Face-To-Face home air home inspection Home Inspection CE Class Home inspection continuing ed home inspections home inspector home inspector classes face-to-face home inspector license home inspector training home inspectors homeinspector classes face-to-face how do I get a license to become a home inspector how do I get licensed to become a home inspector How to become a home inspector How to become a licensed home inspector how to get a home inspector license indoor air quality inspecting inspections Kentucky Kentucky approved classes kentucky classes Kentucky continuing education Kentucky home inspector classes KY Ky CE Class KY Continuing Education class Law learning licensed classes licensed training Louisville Kentucky Louisville KY Mandatory CE classes Kentucky Manufactured housing March March classes National Radon Safety Board NRSB on-site inspecting on-site training onsite training PLI approved CE classes pre-license prelicense prelicense class prelicense classes in Kentucky prelicense home inspector training radon Radon CE classes Radon certification radon class Radon classes radon measurement radon testing Renew KY license renew license Required continuing education classes Schools Schools approved to train home inspectors Schools for home inspection Schools in KY show tickets tour training where do I get licensed to become a home inspector YUM center
CE 1002-A16-9: 831 KAR 2:40 §11 14 hrs Inspecting & Report Writing; Electrical and Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning, Structure and Interior, Exterior, Roofing, Insulation, and Ventilation. Hands-on, Onsite Face To Face Training.
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