by Lorri Keeney | Sep 2, 2020 | Blog, Home Inspection, Licensing, Money Matters, News, Newsletter, Problem Solving, Tips, Tools, Uncategorized
It’s deja vu all over again! Shed a tear! You could have had a free license this year. Instead, kiss about $150,000 bye-bye. That’s about how much home inspectors could have saved if 2020 fees had been waived. That was...
by Lorri Keeney | Aug 22, 2020 | Blog, Home Inspection, Licensing, Money Matters, News, Newsletter, Problem Solving, Tips, Tools, Uncategorized
DEC 31 DEADLINE. MFD BY BOARD IS DEAD IN THE WATER Are you scratching your head over a Ky Board of Home Inspectors (KBHI) email that showed up out of the blue? You’re not alone. PLI’s phones are ringing! “What’s this nutty 2 page...
by Lorri Keeney | Apr 3, 2020 | Blog, Home Inspection, Home Safety, Licensing, Money Matters, News, Newsletter, Problem Solving, Tips, Uncategorized
The Feds are raining dollars on America. You heard about $2 trillion the feds decided to helicopter into American pockets. And the $1,200 “stimulus checks.” Maybe it’s just a coincidence it’s an election years and thousands of voters are dying from a...
by Lorri Keeney | Apr 2, 2020 | Blog, Home Inspection, Home Safety, Licensing, Money Matters, News, Newsletter, Problem Solving, Uncategorized
License renewals got a reprieve from the Ky Bd Of Home Inspectors (KBHI) Wednesday (3/31). In essence, the policy gives KY inspectors “60 days after the Executive Order is lifted to submit information lacking” in a renewal application....
by Lorri Keeney | Apr 1, 2020 | Blog, Home Inspection, Home Safety, Licensing, Money Matters, News, Newsletter, Problem Solving, Tips, Tools, Uncategorized
No guidelines for home inspections in the pandemic were adopted by the Ky Bd of Home Inspectors (KBHI) at its special tele-meeting 3/31. All the inspectors on the Board (both of them) said they still are inspecting. They carry “masks and...
by Lorri Keeney | Mar 8, 2020 | Blog, Home Inspection, Licensing, News, Newsletter, Problem Solving, Tips, Uncategorized
They’ve done it again! They’ve done it again! The date for getting home inspector licenses in Ohio got pushed back again. Now, July 1, 2020 is the new deadline. As the Ohio Department of Commerce pointed out (in its...