by Lorri Keeney | Dec 31, 2023 | Environmental, Home Inspection, Home Safety, Money Matters, News, Plumbing, Problem Solving, Tips, Uncategorized
PICTURES, PERFECT — OR NOT — Don’t Get Burned — Electrical Pointers v. 1 Are you still using those pointed screws (that don’t belong) in the panel to screw the cover back on? Guess what happens when you do. Say “hello” to the Emergency...
by Lorri Keeney | Mar 24, 2019 | Blog, Environmental, Home Inspection, Home Safety, Money Matters, Newsletter, Plumbing, Problem Solving
GULP! LATEST WATER DAMAGE CLAIMS — YOU MIGHT GAG. 3 Biggest Risks for Inspectors Water damage claims now average about $10,000. That means more than half are higher. Often much higher. The latest numbers are enough to take your breath away. And they’re...